Monday 9 January 2012

christmas crit

i am well aware that christmas is well and truely over now, the new year is in full swing and everyone is starting to get their resolutions into action. im one of those people who always make resolutions but never manage to keep them. so this year i simply didnt make any. (i was actually in bed at 10:30 on new years eve!) but it is indeed time for a little update on the hobby house and something that i need to keep updated more in this shiny new year. after a slight break from design work in order to get the dissertation submitted it was time to get back to work for our christmas crit which ironically was just before christmas. this was a pretty informal crit to see how the progress was coming along and to get some ideas on how to further the design over christmas in prep for the round table event happening in january.

after the midterm crit i arranged meetings with lots of the creative groups/people of dundee. i wanted to get first hand research as to what was already going on in dundee, the people i was wanting to link up, work with, help, design for. it was great to get so many emails back from people willing to meet up and lots of great advice and ideas from them.

after some research the design idea started to change as one of the main issues that the creative groups in dundee have, is getting people involved. i had to search for the different groups online which took some time. once i got the research started, one group linked to the next and a chain occured...but the problem is finding the start of the chain, or, if you are a creative group, becoming linked to the chain. my aim is therefore to get these groups to interlink with eachother and therefore link with the public in order for them to become involved.

the main object of this is to advertise. many of these groups are online, on facebook, twitter etc but they have to be searched for. i believe that it is important to bring these groups to the people in order for them to get involved. this is my current design idea and process. i plan to design a pavillion style hobby house that can be placed or moved throughout the city center in order to make people aware of the current happenings and then get involved in the goings ons of the creative community. i hope that this will be a space that the creatives can advertise in, display their work, sell work or have demonstrations and events in/on/at.

i am currently in the process of researching existing community groups throughout the city in order to see what the people of dundee are already aware of, or what they would like to get involved in which will hopefully give me an insight into how the hobby house can work most successfully.

i will hold myself to my "resolution" of keeping this a bit more up to date over the next few months. im also planning on getting the twitter page back up and running to feel free to follow on @_hobbyhouse